black trumpet

black trumpet

Craterellus cornucopioides

Black trumpet mushrooms are small in size, averaging 2-15 inches in height, and have a fine funnel or vase shape with a cap that is curled outward and ruffled. Black trumpet mushrooms grow in small clusters or can sometimes be found singly. They vary in color from brown, black to gray and can be recognized by the lack of gills on the underside of the cap. The skin is thin, smooth and slightly wrinkled and feels like suede. Some small scales may be present inside the hat, and the stipe is also hollow and brittle. Black Trumpet mushrooms have a strong sweet, woody aroma and a soft, yet chewy texture with a rich, nutty and smoky flavor.


Black trumpet mushrooms are best suited for cooked applications such as sautéing, baking or frying. Their delicate taste can easily be drowned out by other flavours, so it is recommended to use the mushrooms alone and use them in lighter preparations such as pasta, fish dishes, soups, as a topping on pizza or in a sauce. They can also be dried and stored for long-term use, or lightly breaded and fried for tempura. When dried, Black Trumpet mushrooms can be ground into powder and used as a spice to flavor vegetables, meat, rice dishes, sauces, soups or white wine. Black trumpet mushrooms go well with garlic, caramelized onions, green onion, chives, thyme, sage, spearmint, horseradish, celery, leeks, peas, carrots, white wine, meats such as salmon, ham, rabbit or poultry, eggs, lemon zest , orange juice, mirepoix, Parmigiano Reggiano, ricotta cheese, polenta, couscous, and black lentils. They will keep for a few days if kept fresh in a paper bag or between damp paper towels in the refrigerator.

Black trumpets have the same health benefits as many other mushrooms. For example, mushrooms are said to have antioxidant properties. That helps them neutralize free radicals, which can lead to cell damage, aging and degenerative diseases. Mushrooms, including chanterelles, are also thought to help fight tumors and inflammation. All edible mushrooms have been shown to have beneficial properties such as high fiber, high protein, a variety of vitamins, while also being low in fat and cholesterol.

But while other wild mushrooms contain no or trace amounts of vitamin B-12, black trumpet (Craterellus cornucopioides) contains significant amounts. Vitamin B-12 plays an essential role in the formation of red blood cells, as well as in cell metabolism and nerve function.

Deficiency of vitamin B-12 can lead to fatigue, mood problems, anemia, muscle weakness, intestinal problems and nerve damage. It may also contribute to cardiovascular disease and dementia and low cognitive function.

Other Names

    Black Trumpet (Dutch)Herbsttrompete (German)Trompette de la mort (French)Craterellus cornucopioides (Latin)Black Trumpet (English)


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